Don't Get A Tattoo In Spite Of Someone

The worst possible things anyone can do is go out and get a tattoo when they are mad and angry at someone just to spite them. When one gets a tattoo they should be in a calm state of mind. Being upset and mad at someone is the worst possible time to get a tattoo. Tattoos should not be gotten on a whim. They need to be planned out and constantly thought about. After all you will be living with your tattoo decision for the rest of your life so you better make darn sure that whatever design you are picking out, the location on your body where you want it, the size and the color is something that you will be able to live with and have no regrets about.

If you are upset at someone because they don't want you to get a tattoo you shouldn't just go out and get one anyway. You need to listen to their reasons to why they don't want you to get the tattoo and see if you can come to a compromise. If you simply can not some to a compromise you need to just think long and hard about your decision to get some body art. Don't get a tattoo just because, you will most certainly end up regretting that decision later on in life. Remember tattoos are a beautiful thing and are a form of expression, just make sure you want to express your tattoo for the rest of your life.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Set A Good Example

A lot of parents fear that one day their children will come to them asking if they can get a tattoo. Which in all honesty isn't that big of a deal, your children can ask for a lot worse. But parents who already have tattoos more than likely don't have this problem but do they? Interestingly enough there are several tattooed celebrities out there that are too keen on the idea of their children following in their footsteps, which is a little hypocritical. So if you don't want your children to have one tattoo or be covered in tattoos maybe you should think long and hard before you get one yourself. After all your children will not understand why you can get tattoos and they can't. If you had a bad tattoo experience than you should talk to them about it and help educate them in not making the same mistake that you did. But don't tell them they can't get one, because they will more than likely just go out and get one without your permission, if they are of legal age there really isn't anything that can be done about it.

Take soccer star David Beckham for instance, he has nearly half of his body covered in tattoos and he recently shared that one of his three boys expressed that they wanted to get tattoos just like daddy and couldn't wait to get them. David seemed like he didn't want his son to follow in his footsteps and told him he would have to wait a very long time for that and also added he hopes he give up on it.

So if you ever think you will have a problem with your children getting tattoos than you probably shouldn't get one yourself.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!