Zodiac Tattoos

When it comes to trying to decide what tattoo design to get it can be kind of rough. There are literally limitless ideas for tattoos, basically if you can think it, it can be tattooed. However, some people have a harder time than others when they have to pick out their tattoo designs. Tattoos are forever and you are going to be stuck with it for the rest of your life, so it is a good idea to put a lot of thought into your design. Never pick out a tattoo design on a whim, you will most definitely regret that decision.

If you are having a hard time thinking of a tattoo design that will stand the test of time than you should think about getting a zodiac tattoo. After all once you are an Aries or a Libra you are always an Aries or a Libra. Also there are so many different zodiac tattoo designs out there you will have no problem picking one out and making it your own. Also if you have children why not get their zodiac signs tattooed on you as well. All in all zodiac signs are a very safe tattoo, there is pretty much a very slim chance that you will end up regretting you tattoo if you go this route. Just make sure you don't go over board and get a huge tattoo of you zodiac sign, that may lead to some regret later on down the road.

Just think long and hard about your tattoo design. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Tattoos Becoming Less Taboo

For decades tattoos have been a big no no and a very taboo subject. However, tattoos are starting to go more mainstream now and with more celebrities and tattoo reality shows hitting the TV, tattoos are starting to be seen in a different way. Tattoos are still looked upon as a negative thing and some still associate them with rough and tumble bikers dudes, criminals and up to no good people. These stereotype unfortunately will more than likely always be there, but with more and more people speaking out about tattoos and with more people getting them things are slowly starting to change.

It is estimated that 45 million people have at least one tattoo. In the latest poll that was taken it revealed that 40% of people who are from the ages of 18-40 have at least one tattoo. With these numbers so high it makes one wonder why there is still so much negativity towards tattoos. However, times are a changing and tattoos are starting to be a little bit more acceptable. More and more companies are starting to admit that if their employee have a tattoo or a visible tattoo that it's no big deal. After all just because some has a tattoo doesn't mean they can't perform well at a job. Also with more celebrities and other role models out there having tattoos it has also helped with the way some people perceive tattoos. Hopefully, in a another 10 years or so tattoos won't be such a controversial subject with some people.

Your Tattoo Friend

Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

More And More People Getting Tattoos

There has not been a poll done for at least a year or two to see if there has been a rise or fall in the amount of people getting tattoos. However, tattoo shop owner's are reporting that they are seeing an increase in business and that a lot of their business is coming from tattoo virgins. The latest poll that was done showed that a whopping 40% of people from the ages of 18 to 40 have at least a tattoo. That's almost half of the population. With the popularity of tattoos rising there are still quite a few people who fear tattoos and look down upon them. Unfortunately, this will always be a problem, after all people are allowed to have their own opinions. However, in this case people need to be educated about tattoos and know that rough and tumble bikers, criminal and up to no good people are not the ones getting tattoos these days. It is soccer moms and cooperate businessmen.

With that being said the popularity of tattoos continues to rise and tattoo shop owner's are happy to report that first time tattoo seekers are educating themselves more about tattoos. They also report that people are doing their research and are thinking harder and longer about jumping the gun and getting inked. This is good news for the tattoo community, the more people educated themselves about tattoos and the more mainstream they get maybe it will help tattoos not have such a bad wrap.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Lady Gaga Loves Tattoos

It is probably no surprise that the Poker Face singer loves tattoos. However, Lady Gaga is more well known for her out of this world fashion and her barely there outfits, but this pop singer also has a huge love for tattoos. Lady Gaga admitted to LA Ink's, Kat Von D that she got her first tattoo at the young age of 17, which as you know is underage. Lady Gaga admits that she acquired a fake ID just so she could get her first tattoo. As you can imagine she regretted her first tattoo considerably and got Kat Von D to cover it up with a pretty design of white roses clustered together and some vines.

However, Lady Gaga not only loves tattoos on her own body, she also loves the fact that one of her fans got a very huge, detailed and very intricate tattoo of herself on their arm. Lady Gaga is said to be very flatter by this gestures and says that she imagines that not a lot of pop stars experience this gestures and that she thinks that it is pretty rock n roll. Of course this isn't something that is recommended. Some singers come and go and you may feel pretty stupid a few years down the road it that singer or group you got tattooed on you is no longer popular. Just think long and hard about that choice and really think if they will be around for a long time.

Your Tattoo Friend

Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Be Careful What You Ask For

When it comes to getting a tattoo you have got to put a lot of thought and consideration into the process. Tattoos are forever and whatever decision you make about what tattoo design you get and where you get it tattooed on your body, you are stuck with it the rest of your life. This is why it is so important to be 200% certain about your design and location. There is also another great tip that everyone should know. You should be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Most tattoo artist will try to persuade you from a crazy tattoo and a crazy location of a tattoo like the face. Not too many well respected tattoo artists will tattoo someones face because they know society will not perceive it well and don't want to be part of a mistake.

Let's face it there are plenty of not so bright people out there that have gone out on a whim and gotten a very crazy tattoo. Take that Kimberly woman, who got 56 stars tattooed on her face. She indeed asked for the 56 stars but once her father saw them and flipped out she blamed the tattoo artist saying she asked for 3. This is a great example that people should learn from. Think through your tattoo design and the location. What you may think looks cool today you may not think is cool tomorrow or 10 years down the road. Just be certain about the design you want and try not to go overboard.

Your Tattoo Friend

Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!