Rihanna Adds Another Tattoo To Her Collection

By now everyone knows that singer, Rihanna is no stranger to the tattoo gun. Rihanna sports a pretty good size tattoo collection and she isn't afarid of showing them off or talking about them. She loves tattoos so much that she has admitted to spending any free time she has in varous tattoo parlors, which could be the reason why she gets a new tattoo every few months or so.

Rihanna has added a new tattoo her to growing collection, a little black gun located on her ribs. At first the singer wanted to have a little black gun on the front part of each of her shoulders but she quickly decided against that because of her contract with Cover Girl and they wouldn't have been to thrilled about that. So she went with the gun on her ribs.

According to NYC-based tattoo artist BangBang, who gave Rihanna her newest tattoo, he says he Rihanna really wanted her new tattoo in a different location but later decided on her ribs.

"I really wanted to put it here [on her arms]... She loved 'em. But, Cover Girl wouldn’t have liked it much... and they pay the bills!" he writes under one photos. "Ended up doing it on her ribs."

"If I had to say why she got it, it’s because she kicks ass and everybody supports her! She can do whatever she wants. She’s one of the nicest and sweetest people I know. She has a lot of really good friends supporting her. We didn’t talk about why she specifically got it. She’s a rock. She’s just thinking about having a great time now.”

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Miley Cyrus Has First Tattoo All Planned Out

The Disney star can't seem to keep herself out of scandals and she is only 16 years old. First it was the topless photo shoot that caused some much drama, even though she had a bed sheet covering herself and all you could see what her back. She is also involved in a law suit regrading all the Asians in CA , due to a photo of her pretending she was Asians. She is also ridiculed for her close relationship to her father, well one more thing can be added to that list, a tattoo.

Miley is not quite of age to get a tattoo just yet but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to get one. Like most girls Miley's age they want a tattoo. Well it seems Miley has already picked out what she wants as her first tattoo and to the seasoned tattoo person its the ultimate tattoo no no. This tattoo design that Miley has picked out is not the wisest of tattoo design. She wants to get the initials of her 20 year old boyfriend, Justin Gaston. One would think that her parents Billy Ray and Tish would put their foot down and advise their daughter that getting the initials of a boyfriend who is more than likely just a teenager love affair is not the best idea. But it seems Billy Ray and Tish are ok with this because of a new tattoo ink that has come out that promises to be more effective when you want to get one removed by a laser. Either way getting tattoos removed is painful and expensive. It's best to just skip the whole boyfriend initials thing and get a butterfly or a heart tattoo instead.

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Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

Take A Classic Tattoo Design And Put Your Own Spin On It

One of the coolest things about having a tattoo is that you are more than likely the only person to have that particular tattoo. However, we all know that this is not the case sometimes. Take Lilly Allen, Lindsay Lohan and Rihanna for example. They all have SHHH... tattooed on their index finger. Or Angelina Jolie and Steve-O they both have the Buddhist Pali incantation written in Khmer script on their shoulder blades, of course Steve-O clearly copied Angelina. With that being said the important thing about getting a tattoo and making it your own is to add you own little twist to it.

For example, women love to get butterflies, hearts, stars, and fairies tattooed on them. With that being said it doesn't have to mean they all are a like. You can get a popular tattoo design tattooed on you and be original. Do your best to come up with an original design or add some spice to your design so it sticks out from all the other butterfly, heart, star and fairy tattoos. Try coming up with a unique design for the butterfly's wings, try different colors, add squiggles going off the wings. Or have a cluster of different star sizes and shapes or have your a interesting design for your fairies wings, different facial expressions and heck have your fairy have a little tattoo on her. You just have to learn how to think outside the box when it comes to picking out a tattoo design.

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Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

What Tattoo Ink Goes Good With What Skin Color

There are several things that need to be taken into consideration when getting a tattoo. The first and most important is the design. You need to be 120% sure the design you pick out is something that you can live with the rest of your life. The second most important factor is the location. Picking the right location is key. The third factor that needs to be taken into consideration is what color ink you should get, believe it or not this can sometimes be a bit challenging for some people.

The best choice is black ink. Black ink shows up on pretty much everyone and it tends to last longer and doesn't fade as quickly as other colors. If black isn't your color you could also go with dark blue. It too shows up on most everyone and it last just as long as black ink and it also doesn't fade as fast as other colors. However, if you do have a very dark skin tone then black ink is probably not your best choice, you should consider going with lighter colors. The same can be said for people with very light skin tones, light colored ink tends not to show as well. If you have any concerns or just can't figure out what color to get consult with your tattoo artist, if they are a good tattoo artist they will be able to custom make a color that will fit perfectly with your skin tone. The rule of thumb to remember when it comes to getting a tattoo is, when in doubt ask your tattoo artist.

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Help Fight Breast Cancer With A Tattoo

Tattoos are always looked upon as a bad and negative thing. Well people need to wake up and smell the coffee it is the year 2009 and more people than every are getting tattooed. It has been reported that 40% of people from the age of 18 to 40 have at least one tattoo. That's nearly half the population. With that being said people need to learn to accept tattoos as a positive thing. Many tattoo parlors are going out of their way to raise money for various causes and they should be given credit for those selfless acts and not be ridiculed for having some body art. So many people are so quick to judge the tattoo community as being up to no good hoodlums, well the up to no good hoodlums are trying to make a difference in the world. The haters might want to take note to that and follow in their footsteps.

For instance there is a tattoo parlor in Spring Hill Florida that is donating $5 of every tattoo that is giving in their parlor to breast cancer. The owner's wife is trying to raise money for her Breast Cancer Walk Team for the 3-Day Walk for finding a cure for breast cancer. If you know or have lost a loved one to breast cancer and you live in the Spring Hill, Florida area then you need to rush to Pleasure Points Tattoo Parlor and get some fresh ink stat. No matter if your tattoo cost $50 or $300 your $5 will go towards the cause. Pleasure Points has already vowed to do this for years to come. Help make a difference and get some fresh ink at the same time.

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Risks Of Getting A Tattoo

One may not even realize there are high risks in getting tattoos, mainly because hundreds and thousands of people can walk through life with tattoos all over their body and never have a problem. However, there are quite a few people out there that have had some sort of reaction or worse contracted number of serious blood-borne diseases, which includes hepatitis C, hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculosis and HIV. Getting a tattoo is serous business and you shouldn't let just anyone tattoo you. Make sure the establishment is clean and that there is an autoclave around. Also it extremely important to see with your own eyes the tattoo artist open a fresh new needle in front of as well as providing fresh ink.

As mentioned above there are risks involved in getting tattoos. Some are more serious than other. If you do not take care of your tattoo properly than you can very easily develop an infection. Signs of an infection are redness, warmth, swelling and a pus-like drainage. If this should occur you should seek the help of a doctor immediately. You can also contract various skin disorders. Your body may form some kind of bumps around tattoo ink, especially if your tattoo includes red ink. Tattooing can also cause areas of raised, excessive scarring (keloids), if you're prone to them. There is also the possibility of an allergic reaction to the tattoo ink. For some unknown reason tattoo dyes, particularly red dye, can cause allergic skin reactions, resulting in an itchy rash at the tattoo site. It is possible for this to occur even years after you gotten the tattoo.

The important thing to remember when getting tattooed it to remain informed of all the possible problems and make sure your tattoo artist is licensed and has a clean establishment.

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Crazy Celebrity Tattoos

There is no doubt about it some people just do not think at all when they get a tattoo. This can also be said for several celebrities. Some celebrities will just get a tattoo for the sake of getting a tattoo, others get them while, drunk or high on drugs, which is never a good combination when getting a tattoo. One may wonder if the following celebrities were under some of those conditions when they got their now famous ink.

Below is a list of some of your favorite celebrities and their interesting tattoos:

*Melanie Griffith- yellow pear tattoo on her butt

*Bill Murray- has a cartoon duck on his shoulder

*David Beckham- has "Vihctoria" tattooed on his arm. It is misspelled because is actually written in Hindi. He thought it would be "tacky" to have it written in English

*David Spade- a tattoo of Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbes, which was done by actor Sean Penn

*Geena Davis- has the Denny's logo on ankle (reportedly to cover up her ex-husband's name, Renny)

*Steve-O- has a huge portrait of himself covering his whole back that read "Yeah Dude, I rock! Steve-O"

*Janet Jackson- has a tattoo of Minnie Mouse giving Mickey Mouse a BJ on her hip.

*Mike Tyson-tribal design on his face

*Jamie Foxx-has a tribal design on the back of his head.

* Amy Winehouse-bare chested pin up girl on her forearm

* Eva Longoria-has "Nine" tattooed on the back of her neck to represent husband Tony Parker's basketball number.

*Johnny Depp-Has the famous Wino Forever tattooed on his arm.

*Kelly Clarkson- outline of the state of Texas on her hip.

*Gavin Rossdale- has his dog's name, Winston, on his wrist.

*Brad Pitt-has several lines tattooed on his back.

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What Does It Feel Like To Get A Tattoo

One of the most common questions that is asked about tattooing is one does it hurt and two what does it feel like to get a tattoo. To answer the first question, yes getting a tattoo does hurt. However, every person has a different pain tolerance level so one may think it hurts a lot, while another person may not think it doesn't hurt that bad. Although it is safe to assume that every person will feel a bit of discomfort while getting a tattoo.

The answer to what does it feel like to get a tattoo can range from all sort of things. Some people express that it feels like you are getting stung repeatedly by bees. Others report that it just stings and is a little uncomfortable. While others go to the extremes and say its like broken glass being drug across your skin. Lastly, some say that after the first 5 to 10 minutes of getting a tattoo your body sort of goes numb and you don't feel the pain anymore.

Again it is important to note that every person out there will experience something different because everyone is different with the way they handle pain and discomfort. The above information just gives the tattoo virgin an idea of what they may experience when they get their tattoo. Also this information just simply helps mentally to prepare you that it will more than likely hurt and you will feel some sort of stinging sensation and some sort of discomfort. But its nothing too serve otherwise why would so many people put themselves through the pain.

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Want A Temporary Tattoo That Looks Real

One of the best and worst things about having a tattoo is that is will last the rest of your life. This might not be such a good thing if you get the ill fated lovers name tattooed on you or some really ridiculous design you got while your were drunk. But for the most part having a real tattoo is the best. However, if you are not ready to take the plunge and make the life long commitment to a real tattoo you may have a new option when it comes to fake and or temporary tattoos.

There is a new temporary tattoo out there on the market now. This new temporary tattoo is called Black Jagua Tattoos. The black/blue ink that is used for these new tattoos comes from the Jagua, which is a fruit that grows in the Amazon. The tribe members of the Amazon have been using the ink from the Jagua for years on end. The best part is the tattoo will last any where form 10 to 15 days and requires not pain, no needles and no expensive price tags and no after care. And after the 10 to 15 days have expired there will be no trace of the tattoo ever being there.

The Black Jagua tattoo is sold in a kit that cost $24.95 plus shipping and handling and is equipped with enough ink for 10 to 12 tattoos. And the best part they look just like a real tattoo that is done in black ink. The kits comes with a number of stencils and transfer paper. Most importantly it does not contain para-phenylenediamine, or PPD, which is the component that has caused so many people to have harsh reactions to henna tattoos. So if you are under age or are simple scared of needles but want a tattoo maybe the Black Jagua Tattoos is the answer you have been waiting for.

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Celebrity Tattoos: Jenna Jameson

When one hears the name Jenna Jameson they automatically think gorgeous sex symbol of the adult film industry. But there is something else that is thought of when Jenna Jameson is mentioned, her multiple tattoos. Even though Jenna has several tattoos it does not take away from her sex appeal some say it adds to it. So one may wonder why this can’t be said for everyday ordinary people. Maybe Jenna’s tattoos help add to her sex appeal because of the way she carries herself . This is probably a mystery that will never be solved.
Below is a list of most if not all of Jenna's tattoos:

1. "Heartbreaker" on right buttock along with a two small red hearts.

2. A very colorful dragon on the back of neck.

3. Some flowers with a butterfly with phrase "Crazy Girl" on right ankle.

4. A girl in red halter and spandex on right calf.

5. An angel on her left calf.

6. "Jay" on her left ring finger (which she has had removed since they divorced)

7. Some flowers on inside left ankle.

8. "I'm not afraid" on her left shoulder blade surrounded by a fancy flowery border.

9. "I was born to do this" on her right shoulder blade surrounded by a fancy flowery border.

Jenna's latest tattoos are the ones on her shoulder blades that dawn the famous Joan of Arc quote "I'm not afraid, I was born to do this" The tattoo was done by famous tattoo artist Kat Von D of LA Ink and was featured on the show.

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Safety Tattoo For Your Children

While a number of parents have something negative to say about tattoos the fact of the matter is a tattoo can save your child's life one day. Whether your child be 8 year of age or 37 years of age. A real tattoo can help loved ones identify a lost loved one if they should go missing or heaven fordbid something worse happen and these new fake safety tattoos can help lost children get reunited with their families. A new kind of temporary tattoo is slowly making a stand in child safety.

There is this new company that has started manufacturing these new washable, non-toxic, temporary tattoos. This new tattoos have been given the name Safety Tats because they can be customized to have the child's caregivers phone number, their emergency medical information and allergy warning put on them. Parents can design their child's Safety Tat to display whatever information they desire. The company however does not put the child's name or anything like that on the Safety Tat for other safety reasons.

The company is pushing these tattoos to be purchased and used on family vacations, visits to an amusement park, field trips or any other places were large crowds are prominent. The Safety Tat lasts up to five days and they come in a bunch of bright fun designs that children will love.

This great idea just goes to show that tattoos don't have to be perceived as a negative horrible thing. Real tattoos as well as temporary tattoos can save a person's life.

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Tattoo Barbie Raises Some Concerns With Parents

In today's society it seems that some parents will never agree with some sort of toy that is manufactured. The same can be said for Mattel's new Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie. As you can imagine from the name this new Barbie doll comes equipped with a nice set of tattoo stickers that children can place anywhere on Barbie's body and a tattoo gun that allows children to stamp temporary tattoos on the doll's clothes and on themselves if desired too. Of course several parents are in up roar over this claiming that it is inappropriate and that is it attracting children at a very young age to want to have tattoos and then to want to expose parts of their bodies so the tattoos can be seen.

What these parents don't seem to understand is that this new Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie is no different than parents buying their children temporary tattoos and letting them put them on their body. So these up tight parents need to simmer down and realize it is not the end of the world for your child to have a tattoo themed Barbie doll. If you fear it will make them want to get a tattoo when they come of age simply do not expose you child to the Barbie.

Lastly, Mattel Toy Company has issued a statement saying that they have no plans what so ever to discontinue the production of this Barbie doll because some parents don't approve of it. Furthermore there are even more parents that don't understand what the problem is with this harmless Barbie doll.
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